The Guild's house, located in the outer courtyard of Corvinilor Castle, is a wing built in the 17th century as a result of Prince Gabriel Bethlen's desire to promote the development of the crafting guilds. The exhibition, which was organized here for tourists during the following days, included a series of workshops of several historical guilds: shoemakers, tanners and weavers.
Tourists can admire objects created by the guilds, while the project of rehabilitation of the building included an interactive workshop supported by craftsmen. These craftsmen are known today but were part of the guilds back in the old days. There where Rrom craftsmen, who used to work in the areas they lived in. An exhibition of numismatics can be seen in the same building.
The old guilds always had a protective nature. Their members tried to protect both the retail market and privileges while also having many citizen duties. Besides making products, the guild members also had military obligations, having to defend and maintain certain segments of the fortification.
De asemenea, aveau obligaţii sociale, dar şi religioase, în condiţiile în care fiecare breaslă avea un sfânt protector. Respectiva breaslă întreţinea şi finanţa strana în care membrii ei asistau la serviciul religios, obligatoriu pentru fiecare persoană în parte.
They also had social and religious obligations as each guild had a protective saint. Each guild maintained and financed the church its members attended. The objects found today in the museum are the results of these craftsmen. At the moment there is no entrance fee, therefore, you should definitely visit this museum if you decide to go to Corvinilor Castle