Regardless of the season, a walk through the Slivuț Forest, near the city of Hațeg, transforms a monotonous day, into one where you can disconnect, along with family or friends, from the daily life and the agitation of the city.

From the national road, you can get close to the entrance gate to the Bison Reservation, by car, in a natural setting, where the road winds through the trees rising high and low on both sides of the access road.

And who doesn't love nature, especially when it offers you a splendid palette of colors, species of trees, but also some of the largest herbivorous mammals in Europe?

Hațeg Slivuț reservation, the first in Romania where the bison was reintroduced.

The Hațeg-Slivuț reservation is a subdivision of the Hunedoara Forest Service, which prides itself on being the first place in Romania, where the European zebra reappeared.

This happened on November 12th, 1958, when a pair of bisons were brought from Poland. Then the action of restoring this precious faunistic fund of forests in the Carpathian Mountains was started, mountains that once housed numerous flocks of bisons.

In 1963, two more specimens of bisons were also brought from Poland. Between 1963 and 1982 the numbers increased and the conditions were created for the transfer of specimens of smiles to other locations in the country.

In 2014, an exchange of bison females was made between WWF-Romania-Rewilding Europe and the Hațeg Zimbri Reservation with the aim of improving the genetic background existing in Hațeg bisons and reducing the phenomenon of consanguinity.

The youngest of the flock was born in July 2019

În prezent, în Rezervația de zimbri Hațeg Slivuț mai sunt șapte exemplare, cinci masculi și două femele. „Bărbații” turmei sunt destul de tineri, având în vedere că această specie are o speranță de viața, în captivitate, de 20-25 de ani. Astfel, Romulus s-a născut în 03.07.2012, Roman II, în 25.08.2012, Roland s-a născut în 2015, Romică, în 2020, iar mezinul, la această categorie, este Ronaldo, care s-a născut în 8.07.2022.

Cel mai în vârstă exemplar din rezervație este femela Spider Woman, născută în 19.11.2011 și Romina, care s-a născut în 09.07.2019.

Over the years, over 50 bisons were born here, the names of all starting with RO, from Romania.

Zimbrii din Rezervația de zimbri Hațeg Slivuț, au un țarc de 10 hectare

Țarcul pentru zimbri are o suprafață de aproximativ 10 hectare și este împărțit în două compartimente, mai exact unul cu teren deschis, cu umbrare, pentru vizitare, unde zimbrii sunt ținuți în timpul zilei și celălalt compartiment, o pădure de cvercinee, consistența 0,7, unde zimbrii sunt ținuți pe timp de noapte.

The weight of the bisons can reach up to 900 kilograms

The weight of mature males varies between 440 and 920 kilograms, while the height at the shoulders can reach 188 centimeters. A particular characteristic of the males is the disproportion between the strong front part of the body, which creates a flamboyant appearance and relatively small groove. Females are smaller, weighing between 320 and 640 kilograms.

Bisons have been matting since March for a period of 3 to 4 months. During the mating period, until they discard, large pieces of fur, so the animals are having a carefree appearance during this period. It is a sociable animal, living in groups of 10-20 individuals.

The bison’s most developed senses are the hearing and the smell. The longevity of the bison differs from the place where they live, thus, in the reservations the females live up to 25 years, while the males up to 20, while in freedom do not live more than 14-16 years due to the natural selection.

The Bison is considered the largest herbivorous mammal in Europe, being protected by national and international laws and is considered a nature’s monument.

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